Friday 5 August 2016

Levitate Student: August! Clearing & Adjustment Plan

A' level results are pending.

What many do not realise is that half of A' Level students do not get the results they were hoping for, while some of course will perform better than predicted. However given this scope for results differing from those anticipated, few prospective higher education students have a contingency plan for results day. 

Results day means potential for everything to change. Better grades could bring opportunities to consider institutions that may have seemed out of reach, lower than expected results brings different opportunities, but opportunities none the less. 

Its worth thinking about what you might do if.......

Universities take results day very seriously and most have crack teams of staff on hand all day from early hours on results day and through the following weeks until their courses are full. It is a stressful time for university staff to negotiate around the changes while dealing with anxious enquiries from worried/hopeful students.

Here a first year higher education student tells of his experience from A' Level results day 2015.....

I woke early, it's not easy to sleep in on the day your future gets decided right? Rewind a bit to my three university choices - by the time August came I had changed my mind about my second choice university, I knew I no longer wanted to go there, so my hopes, I thought were all pinned on my first choice university. I felt I had done okay in my exams - you never can tell though can you?

On the morning I logged onto my sixth from college student portal at 7 am and collected my result. It took me about ten minutes to slowly work out what I was looking at - my doomed future or so I thought. I was very sleepy so it really took some effort to compute that the results on screen were not what I had been relying on for my first choice uni. The problem was in my main subject I had done very badly in one paper - so while getting A's in the others my overall mark was lower than predicted. 

I didn't have the conditional grades to secure a place at my first choice uni -  I felt defeated. I spoke to my parents who were typical in saying all the right things about my results being very good if not what I had expected. They encouraged me to make an early call to my first choice university which I did. The staff member confirmed that my grades would not secure my place, they were great an guided me to call back if I asked for my paper to be remarked etc.

I had an offer from my second choice university but I didn't want to accept. My third choice had asked for a higher grade in my main subject - I called them and they quickly replied to say they too would still be happy to offer me a place.

Still I felt I had failed - but my mum reminded me that I had 3 good A' Level results and just had two university offers before breakfast!! 
Get over it! 

I headed into college to talk to teachers especially about the low grade paper. Mum stayed home looking at what unis were offering spaces on courses of my preferred subject through clearing. She made a list. 

When I returned from college we chatted and I decided to stick with my third choice university. My parents had always liked this one anyway for location, reputation and facilities. I phoned the uni clearing line back and told them I was happy to accept their offer.

The scary bit was having to decline the offer on UCAS from my second choice university. This was needed so that my third choice could make a formal offer. It felt strange on the strength of the phone call taking this step. However the verbal offer was backed up later with an email from the university.

I felt nervous but determined and soon I was coming to terms with the shift and feeling comfortable with it. I didn't have an accommodation place secured and was left with the option of finding a private rented or waiting until freshers week to see if a space in hall would come available. I attended an accommodation Meet and Greet session and meet another student who was in the same situation. We swapped numbers and agreed to go searching for accommodation together. We found a shared rented house along with two other first years so it all worked out okay. I liked it as my room was massive compared with hall - the only downside was being off campus especially in the early weeks.

There was no problem with Student Finance England - I just let them know of the change of circumstances, no hassle, no need to reapply - easy! I can't imagine being anywhere else. I enjoyed my first year, made some great friends and am now looking forward to my second year sharing new accommodation with other students from my course.

Looking back I do wish I had thought ahead of results day about what I might want to do rather than just cross my fingers and hope for the best. However the support I got from parents, schools and in particular the university staff made it all okay. 

So embrace the day what ever it brings - uncross your fingers, think ahead, seek help and advice.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Levitate Student: Students & TV Licences

The law is changing so make sure you check if you need a 
TV Licence HERE

Even a room like this without a TV where the student only watches TV on catch up on their phone may require a licence!!

Student Bedroom

Monday 18 July 2016

Levitate Student: Naughty! Retrospective Change Loan Repayment Terms

Remember this..... Watch, Care, Share and #Shout

Music courtesy of Mizudori Dreamer

Well thanks to Martin Lewis, former student Alex True and all of you who signed the petition and wrote to your MPs - there will be a second chamber parliamentary debate on the issue today at 16:30

You can follow the action live  HERE

Wonder how many MPs will be in attendance? We predict a very empty chamber with just a handful standing up for students let down and mis-sold the student loan repayment terms. 

No doubt the government representatives will tell us what a great deal students have and changes are needed to keep the funding affordable......blah blah

The real issue is not changes but RETROSPECTIVE changes and the RISK that further changes could be imposed over the 30 year loan term.

Governments have to change how they deliver services - but that does not have to happen retrospectively. Student Funding changes that affect new students only allow them to make an informed choice about whether they consider the funding system a good deal before the embark on study and a lifetime repaying the funds that helped them access the opportunity.

Changes after the fact are mis-selling and letting down students and families who were naive enough to believe the what the MPs and universities were saying.

What other lender could get away with this? Only an unregulated one....

Friday 1 July 2016

Levitate Student: Brexit & funding for EU students

The EU referendum in the UK  saw the public vote to Leave the with an outcome of approx 48% of people voting to Remain versus 52% to Leave.

The UK is in political turmoil and the future is very uncertain.

What do we know about the future for EU students.

Jo Johnson MP is the UK Minister of State for UnMPiversities and Science. He is the brother of MP Boris Johnson who led the Leave campaign in the run up to the EU Referendum

Unlike Boris, his brother Jo stated he wanted to Remain in EU and indeed his profile shows he benefited himself from studying in universities in Europe.

Jo Johnson MP
 offered the following reassurance on Twitter on the 27th June 2016 

UK welcomes EU students. Current students and this autumn's applicants will continue to receive student finance for duration of their course

Jo followed this by highlighting a statement from the Student Loans Company  .
The statement reassured that students who are EU nationals and their families who are currently on a course in England and those who begin studying from August 2016 who are assessed as eligible to receive grants and/or loans by will be eligible for the duration of their study on that course.

Changes we reported on in March 2016 already mean that any EU national starting a course in England in 2016 needs to have resided in UK for 5 years in order to be eligible for any living cost support. If they have lived in UK for less than 5 years then they are likely to be eligible for tuition fees support only.

So if you are from the EU and considering studying in Higher Education then you may want to apply for a place as soon a possible. You may also benefit from understanding how the Clearing Process works in August.

If you have resided in UK for less than five years but have been working and intend to continue to work alongside your course, or you are a family member of an EU worker then you may be entitled to living cost support as a EEA Migrant Worker or Family Member of a Migrant Worker. 

Previous study at higher education may limit your access to tuition fee support. If this applies to you then you may want to consider studying part-time where your previous study won't limit your fee support so long as your new course is at a higher level than the qualification you achieved from your previous course.

Anyone from EU starting a course beyond autumn 2016 can not be assured that there will be funding for their course from the UK government.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Levitate Student - Should I stay or should I go now.......

In the words of The Clash 

Should I stay or should I go now? (Yo! Me frío o lo soplo?)

If I go there will be trouble (Si me voy, va a haber peligro)
And if I stay it will be double (Si me quedo, es doble).....

It's nearly decision time and according to those in the know, it's seem still all too close to call in the UK EU Referendum.

Hopefully a vote for "Remain" will bring much needed sensible debate of the role the UK plays in the EU. Perhaps the tight vote will keep a sharp focus on public disquiet about how effective our membership is and how satisfied the public are with our investment.

A "Leave" outcome will be surely unsettling for many EU students already living in the UK and those considering a move to study here in the future.

I have supported many EU students over the years. It would be fair to say in my experience the vast majority are hard working, diligent and many balancing working alongside their full-time courses. Of course while they work they are contributing to the local and national economy, contributing to the public purse that assists with their student finance.

In recent years it has been harder and harder for EU students to access their student finance entitlement. Bulgarian and Romanian students were particularly hit hard by a tightening of eligibility rules. Hopefully a remain vote will seek to treat all EU member countries fairly with regard to their Treaty Rights.

On March 1st 2016 Joe Johnson MP (Minister of State for Universities and Science) announced a further significant  change to the Education (Student Support) Regulations 2011 changing the residency requirements for EU national students. 

Currently an EU national is entitled to apply for

  • Tuition Fee Loan only if they come to UK to study in Higher Education
  • Tuition Fee Loan and Living Cost Support (currently loans and grants) if they have lived in UK for 3 years prior to the start of their course.
  • Tuition Fee and Living Cost Support if they are a EEA Migrant Worker or Family Member of a Migrant Worker
The proposal is to increase the residency requirement from 3 years to 5 years before an EU national can be eligible for the living cost support in their student finance package.

The government cited the increasing pressure on the student finance budget due to the level of EU applicants and their desire to manage the burden on the tax payer as their reason for the change. These changes will impact students starting a new course in academic year 2016/17.

Many EU nationals of course fall into the category of an EEA Migrant Worker. These changes will not affect the entitlement of Migrant Workers and their families according to the statement. Neither will it affect "those who are already studying". 

However if the UK vote to "Leave" what will happen then to all our EU students still in the Higher Education system once the mechanism for exit is negotiated?

How will our universities cope with the potential drop in income from the fee funded EU students?  Imagine our neighbour students from the Republic of Ireland being regarded as International or Overseas students by the UK.

A vote for "Leave" with throw the HE sector into a whorl and keep money advice services very busy indeed in support of the rights of EU students up and down the country.

Its interesting the polls that indicate reported divide based on age of the voters with a high percentage of 18-24 year olds looking to vote "Remain". Wonder how the 16-17 year olds would have voted given a chance to have a say on their future?

Whatever your viewpoint, do ensure you VOTE. Such an important issue, no matter how muddled the campaigning or divided the stance, deverse a strong public turn out.

Happy Polling Day - see you on the other side :)

Useful information and guidance for oversea and EU students is available through UKCISA

Monday 6 June 2016

Levitate Student: Carers Week 2016

As it is Carers Week it seems a good opportunity to highlight a student money issues of concern.

Full-time Higher Education student who are carers are in general not entitled to claim Carers Allowance.

This can come as a shock to carers who are attempting to study alongside their caring responsibilities. 

Full-time courses are considered to be 21 hours per week for the purpose of this welfare benefit. Many students will know that for some courses, contact time in front of a tutor can be much less than that. However the Department for Work and Pensions also take into account self study periods in order to fulfil the course.

If you are registered on a full-time course then it is likely that you will be regarded as studying at least the 21 hours per week. It may be possible in some circumstances to persuade the DWP that your contact hours are less. For example perhaps if you take fewer modules than the norm for the course due to previous study credits or because you are repeating only part of the course. 

In most case though being registered on a full-time course will preclude you from eligibility for Carers Allowance. This seem to be a harsh decision on the part of the government. Carers do an amazing and often unsung service to society and most of us don't realise the positive impact they make to individuals and communities by shouldering those caring responsibilities. 

The notion that attending university means they are shirking those responsibilities in likely to be unreasonable in most cases. Carers probably choose courses with fewer contact hours and higher self study in order the balance out their commitments and limit time away from the person who needs them. 

It seems narrow visioned to limit the opportunities available to carers this way. Surely a carer who is well educated, personally fulfilled and skilled is a better asset to society should their caring responsibilities come to an end or allow them to seek paid work around their on going commitments.

Levitate Student would like to encourage a change in policy from Jo Johnson MP. Come on Joe - please support the carers who support our society to achieve their aspirations without fear of letting down those they care for or financial detriment.

Friday 27 May 2016

Levitate Student: Freshers -For Parents from a Parent

I am a parent of two children in Higher Education and this post covers some of my personal thoughts and experiences about my kid's move to university alongside those of friends and some general guidance from Levitate Student.

Tears, Fears and the Empty Nest

I did cry - no point pretending but I think timing is everything on this one. Its not okay to be weeping and wailing while gripping onto your student's leg when they are at the fresher Meet and Greet! That wouldn't be pretty.

When my first child left I thought I would be bereft, like me a chatterbox. the very notion of our home without them was unbearable. The night before the big move we cuddled and sniveled, I made us watch a film we'd always promised to watch together (probably a mistake in hindsight....). On the day of the move we all coped really well. During the drive back home my partner who had been all composed till then sobbed his eyes out and the siblings quietly shed a tear. Its a big change for everyone.

The university were brilliant and the student was occupied with activities from day one. Second year students were like a crack team ensuring the newbies settled in. All was well and the promise of regular Skyping and daily texting soon went unfulfilled and do you know what? - it was okay.

When my second child moved it was the same, but worse knowing that this time the nest would be empty. More well timed tears, more promises, but this time my expectations were better managed.

I noticed actually, that the nest wasn't in fact empty but there was my partner with whom quality time had been so scarce for the past twenty years. There was actually space on the sofa next to them and chance to start and finish a conversation without diversion - wow!! I quite liked that, bonus!

Levitate Student says - Its worth remembering that Unis don't really want parents on phone fretting about Jenny or Johnny. If that happens you will probably be met with a word about confidentiality and a suggestion to signpost the student to speak to someone themselves. It is important for students to find their feet, establish some independence and be resourceful enough to find support from the university services if needed. In addition the universities have a duty of care to safeguard their students so they don't give information out over the phone to unverified people readily. Obviously sometimes you may need to contact the university but its worth understanding how the institution may respond and that they do so with the best interests of the student at heart.

"Home" and "Home Home"

I absolutely hated it when my students referred to their uni accommodation as home! It sort of stings a little does that. That said they call home - "home home" so the real thing which is comforting. Calling the uni accommodation home also suggest they are settled enough there and feel safe - so I suppose it's okay (grr!!).

When they are struggling they can seem a long way away, down the end of a phone, but with all the ways to keep in touch these days it's not so bad.

Resist the temptation to "like" every Facebook picture they post, trust me it doesn't go down well!

The bottom drawer

Preparing can feel a bit like a bride buying bits and bobs for her bottom drawer ready to leave home on her big day. Try not too get carried away, there are things we bought our students that remained in their boxes (iron, half the crockery, some towels bed linen etc). Definitely wait till you know where they will be living. I found scanning the room in Halls to work out how best to maximise the space helped and provided storage boxes that would slot in. Unless the uni is in the middle of nowhere then there is likely to be a Wilko, Dunelm, Matalan, Ikea etc for all the required stuff.

Don't completely dismantle the students bedroom at "home home", its good for them to return to the comforts of their old spot.

Levitate Student says - check out our Fresher: Do Buy Don't Buy post with tips from students.

Money Matters

This is an interesting one and how you approach it will definitely be driven by your household circumstance. The household income (that the funders use to work out how much money the student can receive) is generally the annual gross income of the parent (s) the student lives with, their partner if applicable and the students own unearned income if they have any-which mine didn't. If your student works alongside their course it won't affect their student finance which is good to know.

It can be challenging if parents are separated and perhaps if there is a new relationship with a partner. I am sure it seems weird for the income of that person to count instead of the absent parent, but that's how it is.The funders usually work on a historic tax years income too which can be strange especially if you have had a change of circumstance. A friend of mine has a son going to university this year and the husband has been poorly and now made redundant. However the funder will take these changes into account. Having more than one student in the system is adjusted for too when working out each students level of funding.


I am not the worlds best at planning a budget myself, even with the best intentions am often just too busy and tired. However I did sit down with my kids and play with a student budget planner, once we had an idea what student finance they would get and what their accommodation would cost.

We talked about what their likely spending would be and agreed what we as parents could help them with. We made sure they applied for a student bank account and spoke to them about sensible use of the overdraft. The student accounts have an interest free overdraft which gives them a safe zone to dip into when funds are low at the end of term. I reckoned as long as this was used wisely it was a good facility to have. We talked about the potential problems of being silly with money and the way bank charges can build. 

The universities do have staff and services to help students budget and to find work. A little part-time job can be useful to top up their funding whether it is in the holidays or alongside their course. Having two students in the system has meant it has been a challenge so we have expected the kids to be wise with their spending and help us to help them.

We agreed a plan and then said we would review it in January. Both my kids have been sensible and manged the arrangement well, I am proud of them. We didn't tell them how to manage their money in fine detail, we thought it would be good to let them try find their own way, then chat about how it was going. I get the impression most students manage their money okay, (with the occasional blip) one way or another.

Levitate Student says - if your student is applying for means tested student finance speak to the relevant funder if you have had a change of circumstance. Especially if it means your income is less than in the tax year requested on the application form. A fall of income of 15% could mean that the funder may carry out an in-year income assessment and could result in more student finance. 

Money Saving Expert has a good article on Student Bank Accounts.

There are lots of online budget planners and budgeting mobile phone applications. Its worth searching to find one that suits. The cashflow annual planner templates for example for Excel can be good as they can help a student predict how their spending is going to affect their future bank balance. As they receive their funding in three lumps sums it can be difficult to predict how it might last.

Funding can be late for various reasons so if possible the student should try and get some buffer funds in their bank account. We found that the bank only provided a modest overdraft until the student finance arrived so that can't be relied upon. is fun at least for the planning if not for every day budgeting.

Legal Stuff

August will herald the end of any child benefit and tax credits you received for your student -oh well.

Accommodation contracts are a nightmare and signing as a guarantor obligatory and a bit of a worry when its all new. Had mixed experience here as for one tenancy it was just sign on dotted line whereas another required a minimum income and credit check. Definitely understand all you are signing, get advice if needed. The students are pretty much tied into contracts once they sign and many are 52 weeks long which is annoying. Also by the winter/spring of year one the students are panic looking for new place and then are paying deposits on years two rented. By the summer the student has to find and pay the first year two rent installment in summer, they may still be paying for year one rent. It's a cycle that repeats each year so be ready for it.

Halls of residence are pricey and hard to compare with all tariffs being different and number of weeks and what's included varying. Also when and how payments are made vary. One thing which is a bit naughty is some universities or accommodation providers not dividing the rent into 3 equal installments. If the first payment is bigger it can make the first terms bank balance a challenge and Freshers are plunged straight into overdraft. Not helpful.

Most full-time students are exempt from paying council tax.They get an exemption certificate, usually there is information on the university webpages about how it all works.

Also it's worth checking out the Student Regulations at the university of choice.These are a bit like the terms and conditions of being a student. I had a friend whose son didn't settle at university and wanted to leave nearly straight away. If he had stayed beyond two weeks he would have had to pay his full tuition fee until January!! That was a surprise but it was in the Student Regulations so worth checking out....just in case. 

Levitate Students says - if your student funding is delayed or they want to leave get them to seek help from the university Support Services as soon as possible.
Lots of issues can arise in the first few weeks but university staff have seen it all before and are very experienced at helping students sort matters out and settle. Don't panic just point your student in the right direction for help.

See our blog post on council tax 

Useful to Knows

One of my students didn't want to take up the uni offers they got on A level results day so went into Clearing . It's a good idea to have a plan of action in case this happens as its can be a nerve wracking experience.The universities are all geared up for the mass musical chairs of Clearing. We found it a positive experience in the end and my student was really happy with the final outcome and is settled.

Make sure your student knows where the Support Service teams are at the university just in case they need help. This is important if their funding is delayed or they have problems with it. The university may help out with a little money if a student is in hardship.

Also check if your student is entitled to any bursaries or scholarships from the university, information is usually on the websites.

If your student is disabled or has a specific learning need as one of mine does, then engaging with the uni disability services to have their needs assessed as soon as possible is important. Also get money advice in case there are other things they may be eligible for such as welfare benefits.

Check your own home insurance policy, ours covered our students for contents while they live away at university.

It may be that your student won't need a TV licence as they don't seem to watch any live telly. Check the rules to be safe though.  NB. Rules change from September 1st 2016 so much more likely to need licence - see LINK

Bottom line - it will all be fine!

Sunday 22 May 2016

Levitate Student: Deadlines Money B's

Twitter was abuzz with the word "deadline" last week in relation to student finance applications.

There were that many dates being tweeted our headz were in a spin!!

So here are 5 Deadline Money B's to help.....

Be the first to apply 

We blogged this before and if you didn't listen - grr why not?! 

Really, the earlier you apply for funding the better. This gives the funder time to process your application and you and your sponsors time to supply all the required evidence and time to challenge any decisions you may not satisfied with.

The funders use the deadline as a last day in their view that a completed application can reach them and still hope to be processed in time for the start of the academic year.

The truth is that some of these advertised deadlines are soft deadlines - by which we mean they are not the last day applications will be accepted. In fact applications can be accepted by up to 9 months or 6 months after the academic year begins (usually taken as 1st September for autumn starters). Always check these deadlines yourself with the applicable funder - Be safe not sorry

So don't worry just apply as soon as possible, but if the deadline has passed do be prepared for your funding to be late.

Be aware of the different funder deadlines

This table may help but always check the relevant funder websites and literature yourself.

New Students starting Autumn 2016
Application Deadline
Continuing Students in Autumn 2016
Application Deadline
27th May 2016
24th June 2016
15th April 2016
30th June 2016
13th May 2016
10th June 2016
30th June 2016
30th June 2016
30th June 2016
30th June 2016
For all the above funders
(absolute deadline
9 months from the start of the academic year)
19th August 2016
(absolute deadline
6th months from start of academic year)
29th July 2016
(absolute deadline
 6th months from start of academic year)
1st November 2016
(absolute deadline applications received after this date are rejected)
1st November 2016
(absolute deadline applications received after this date are rejected)

Be ready to seek advice 

Always seek advice if you are struggling in any way with your student finance application. Most Universities and colleges have advice services themselves and or Student Union Advice services. Don't be afraid to contact them for help pre-entry if you are finding the application process challenging and can not easily resolve the matter by contacting the funder yourself.

It's a good idea to become familiar with the higher education institution's website to know what support services they offer and where they are located and how to contact them when and if required.

Bursaries and other support

The university or college of your choice may have bursaries or scholarships for which you could apply pre-entry. If this is the case they will no doubt provide details on their websites or in their Office for Fair Access Agreements . It is likely that these also include application deadlines, so don't delay, check them out and apply if you think you may be eligible.